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Announcing Impactive's launch

Announcing Impactive's launch

We are delighted to announce that the Impactive Platform is now live. Here, we share our press release.

Impactive Team
January 25, 2023

New SaaS platform launched to facilitate ESG integration, stewardship and reporting at investment firms. 

Start-up Impactive Tech launches the Impactive Platform, a digital workspace that brings together investment, ESG, and reporting teams to enable high-quality responsible investment delivery and reporting. 

LONDON (JANUARY 25, 2023) – Impactive Tech today announced the launch of the Impactive Platform, a new SaaS solution that enables fund managers and asset owners to deliver effective responsible investment and get a 360⁰ view of their investments through centralised management of investment notes, ESG engagements, voting, ratings and research. 

The cloud-based platform allows entire investment, ESG, and reporting teams to work effectively and collaboratively in one shared space. The platform’s features are optimised for regulatory reporting and include: 

  •  Engagement m and tracking of outcomes 
  • Linking stewardship and investment decisions  
  • Centralised company and thematic insights, research, and data 
  • SFDR and stewardship reporting components
  • Team workflows and collaboration 
  • Data visualisation and analytics 
  • Self-service reporting templates, saving time and effort 

Impactive Tech is an independent start-up powered with decades of investment, ESG and technology expertise. 

During a career spanning almost two decades in responsible investment, co-founder Mais Callan, experienced first-hand the challenges that have come with the rapid evolution of ESG in the investment industry. Operationally and technologically, many investment firms are yet to catch up with the speed at which client and regulatory demand is moving. Systems are fragmented, silos between fund managers, ESG and reporting teams still exist - creating knowledge gaps and inefficiencies. 

The Impactive team’s mission was to build a solution that would promote a new way of working: by helping investment and ESG teams collaborate, manage and leverage the insights gained from their dialogue with companies, and by helping reporting teams to access information effortlessly in a user-friendly modern technology. 

The platform was developed with input from fund managers, COOs, CIOs, stewardship and compliance teams who faced different pressures from a regulatory or client standpoint in each of their roles. The Impactive Platform is designed to help clients meet the requirements of the SFDR, UK Stewardship Code and adapts to future policies and standards. 

“As the regulatory landscape continues to evolve and stakeholder expectations are heightened, there has never been a better time for investment firms to lay the foundations for a truly effective responsible investment approach,” said Mais Callan. “With the right tools and mindset, investors can transform how they operate and foster a culture of transparency and excellence in responsible investment. We wholeheartedly believe the Impactive Platform can play an integral part in supporting this ambition.” 

Clients can customise the platform to meet their needs through system integrations, data APIs, custom field creation, and user-managed roles and permissions. 

For more information, visit the Impactive website page or send an inquiry toinfo@impactive.pro 

About Impactive: 

Impactive is a SaaS platform that transforms how teams within investment firms manage their ESG activities. It provides a centralised digital workspace where investment, ESG and reporting personnel can create, access and manage key information instantly. This helps to break information silos for a truly integrated ESG approach, saves time on client and regulatory reporting and creates self-sufficiency in what would normally be a fragmented and complex business operation.  


We are on a mission to help investment teams of all sizes to have a better way of working, where silos are broken, insights are shared and ESG is integrated effortlessly.

The news of Impactive's launch was also covered by the industry publication ESG Clarity. You can read the article here.

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