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Nawar Alsaadi joins Impactive's Advisory Board

Nawar Alsaadi joins Impactive's Advisory Board

Impactive Tech welcomes Nawar Alsaadi to its advisory board

Impactive Team
July 3, 2024

We are thrilled to announce the addition of Nawar Alsaadi to Impactive Tech as a new advisory board member. Nawar will provide strategic guidance and support for our growth plan, encompassing fundraising, business development, and the expansion of our investment stewardship platform roadmap.

Nawar is renowned for his thought leadership in sustainable investing and has extensive experience in stewardship and ESG startups. He has held pivotal roles at institutions such as Canada Poste, NEI Investments, and ScopeFour Capital. His impressive qualifications include the CFA ESG Investing certification, the CFA Climate Investing certification, and the Sustainable Investment Professional Certification (SIPC) from Concordia University.

We are confident that Nawar’s expertise will be invaluable as we continue to innovate and grow. He joins an already distinguished advisory board, including Paul Lee, Justin Kew, and Karolina Lewandowska.

Mais Callan, CEO of Impactive Tech commented:

We are truly excited to welcome Nawar to our advisory board. We have been impressed by his wealth of expertise in sustainable investing and practical knowledge from his work with ESG tech startups. Nawar will be instrumental in supporting us through the next phase of our growth as we focus on delivering a world-class stewardship technology that facilitates impactful engagement for asset managers and asset owners.

Nawar Alsaadi commented:

I am delighted to report that I have joined the advisory board of Impactive Tech. Impactive's founders, Mais and Simon Callan, have built an incredible next-generation stewardship platform for asset managers and asset owners globally.

As an advisory board member, I will work closely with the founding team to further develop this powerful engagement platform, accelerate its industry adoption, and ultimately enable more responsible capital to drive real, measurable impact.

Those who know me are aware that I started my ESG career through the engagement function. What Mais and Simon have built is the engagement software solution I’ve always dreamed of using as an engagement practitioner. If you are involved with the stewardship function in any capacity, I strongly recommend signing up for the free trial and giving Impactive’s solution a try.

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