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On-demand webinar: How to meet stewardship expectations in the UK SDR and beyond

On-demand webinar: How to meet stewardship expectations in the UK SDR and beyond

Are you prepared to meet the stewardship requirements under the UK's Sustainable Disclosure Requirements (SDR)? Watch our webinar where we unpack this critical aspect of the landmark regulation.

Impactive Team
June 26, 2024

The UK's new Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) have ushered in a new era of transparency and accountability in sustainable investing.

Stewardship is a core criterion of this landmark regulation, and UK asset managers opting for fund labels must develop stewardship strategies to support the delivery of sustainability objectives. This includes expected stewardship activities, outcomes, and escalation plans.

Crucially, all authorised firms must avoid greenwashing, regardless of whether they opt for labels or not.

In this webinar, our experts (an asset manager, a consultant, and a solutions provider) guide you through the key elements of developing robust stewardship strategies that align with the SDR's requirements and beyond. You'll hear about:

  • The SDR's stewardship expectations across the four labels
  • How to avoid greenwashing pitfalls
  • Leveraging resources and technology for effective stewardship
  • Practical guidance on reporting and disclosures
  • Future evolution: changing expectations of stewardship


  • Helene Winch: Head of Responsible Investing at Premier Miton Investors
  • Vanessa Bingle: ESG & Responsible Investment Partner at Alpha FMC
  • Mais Callan: Co-founder of stewardship solutions provider Impactive Tech

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